Corona virus

We’re probably all a little tired of hearing about Corona virus, but, we all need to make sure we’re as diligent as possible in containing the spread.  At Monarca in Flight, we work closely with each other, and there is often a good bit of body contact among students and teachers.  So we need to be extra careful to keep each other safe.

We have stocked each classroom with sanitizing spray and sanitizing wipes to be used to clean mats and tools after use.  We ask all clients at Monarca in Flight to do their part and clean tools before putting them away.  We will also sanitize the aerial apparatus regularly to try to minimize any potential risk.

As a reminder, we’ll share these good practices that we should all be using on an ongoing basis. And we ask all our clients to help us be as diligent as possible in keeping things clean and sanitary.

The most important practice is to wash your hands, regularly and often. Washing for 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself) with soap and water is most effective. Thorough hand washing is shown to be considerably more effective than hand sanitizer to prevent spreading the virus.  You should always wash your hands on these occasions:

  • After using the restroom (remember to also use a paper towel on the door handle when you exit for additional protection)
  • Before – and after – eating or touching your face
  • After each interaction with another student or teacher where you’ve had physical contact.
  • Any other time you feel you may have been exposed to germs

Also we are asking everyone to:

  • Use hand sanitizer (or alcohol) regularly
  • Wipe down any tools you use with a disinfectant wipe before putting away (and don’t forget to keep your phone clean!)
  • Spray/wipe mats after use
  • Cover your cough and/or sneeze
  • If you think you may have been exposed, please stay home.  We’ll miss you, but we want to keep as many of our clients safe as we can.

Please let us know if you have questions.  And stay well!